Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poetry of a Madwoman

This is for all of you homeschooling moms out there.  Pioneer Woman, aka Ree Drummond, takes a stab at poetry from time to time.

Poetry of a Madwoman, Vol. 2

May. 5, 2006

Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?
Their war cries pound my brain.
Mommy? Mommy? Mommy?
I slowly go insane.
Will you? Can I? Why not?
So goes the daily grind.
But wait–I am their mommy.
I love them.
Never mind.

Copyright 2006

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sometimes Poetry Doesn't Rhyme

Sometimes it is just a way with words that touches the soul.  Ann Voskamp writes about her farmer dad BEING POETRY.  Well worth the time to click over and read.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Just a quick intro from me...I am thankful that Jacqueline has asked me to participate in writing and posting to this blog!

I am a mom to twelve poetry-lovers. Our tastes range from the silly (I never saw a purple cow) to the sublime (Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth), and from the wicked (Willie with a thirst for gore, nailed his sister to the door) to the heavenly (they also serve who only stand, and wait).

Not only do we love to read and memorize poetry, we dabble in writing a few here and there. Don't worry, I am not about to share them all...but I might be convinced to post one or two, especially the ones written by my little kids.

Why not follow the links I posted above and enjoy a smattering of poetry?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jacqueline's NPM Reading Log

A Little Poem For Poetry Month by Jack Prelutsky

A Sister by Nellie Strowbridge

Summer at Blue Creek, North Carolina by Jack Gilbert

How Do I Love Thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

If Thou Must Love Me by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Love is More Thicker Than Forget by e.e. cummings

If by Rudyard Kipling

More Poetry Resources

Be sure to check out the resources that Alex lists in her April is Poetry Month post.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's this all about

A spin off from the Canadian Home Educators Blog Carnival, this is a place for Canadian Home Educating Bloggers to share poems they have read and written, especially during National Poetry Month, and to also share poetry resources. This will be a team blog. Canadian Home Educating Bloggers that want to participate can do so by emailing . They will then be invited to be a team member for the blog and will have permission to create posts for the blog. More guidelines will be put in place as the blog grows.

Inspiration for Reading Poems
Inspired by the Academy of American Poets Poetry Read-a-thon idea, I am inviting Homeschooling Canadian bloggers to use the blog to serve as a master log to record and share the lists of poems they read during the month. You can also use the journaling prompt suggestions on the Poetry Read-a-thon to journal about the poems. Use power point or some such program to turn one of your favorite poems into an Animated Text Flow Poem or create and share a Free Verse Project using lines from your favorite poem.

Inspiration for Writing Poems
Inspired by the NaPoWriMo Pledge Drive page I am inviting Homeschooling Canadian bloggers to use the blog to share poems that they write during April. The NaPoWriMo Pledge Drive page challeges you to write and post a poem each day in April, they even have a board where you can post your poems, whether you participate in the pledge drive or not. In the Poet's Workshop there are three poem writing ideas: Poems Based on Works of Art, Give Chance a Chance, Unexpected Odes. The challenges are more fulling explained in the "Post and Workshop" message board posts so be sure to click through to check it out. On the RePoWriMo (Refrigerator Poetry Writing Month) Blog the challenge it to write a poem a day using poetry magnets. If you don't have any you could always make your own or you can use the Online Magnetic Poetry site or the Shadow Poetry's Magnetic Word Poetry site. The English Room's 30 Days of Poetry site is a couple of years old but the suggestions are still great. It offers 30 Days of ooetry writing ideas especially geared to middle and high school students. On The Rubber Stamping Blog is a challenge to use poems on/in homemade cards, and for those that think poems must rhyme there is a link to Rhyme Zone for rhyming help.